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Mental Health At Work

mental health at work

Work-related mental health conditions have become a major concern in Australian workplaces due to the negative impact on individual employees, and untreated mental illness costs the Australian economy hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Being aware of mental illness and the effects it may have on people in the workplace is important for a number of reasons – to the person affected, to colleagues, to managers and employers, and to productivity as well.

Work, Mental Illness and Stigma

People affected by mental illness often don’t get the support they need at work. It doesn’t have to be like this. SANE‘s Stigma in the workplace video explains how employees affected by mental illness can be supported in the workplace:

Workplace Mental Health Toolkit

The majority of mental illness seen in the workplace is treatable and in some cases may be preventable. Employers and workplaces can play an active and significant role in maintaining the health and wellbeing of their workers as well as assisting in recovery from mental health issues. The Black Dog Institute has developed a mental health toolkit as a practical guide for Australian workers to assist them in understanding common mental health issues in the workplace, and to provide strategies and resources to support those who may be experiencing a mental health condition: Workplace Mental Health Toolkit  

There are many ways for managers and employers to start taking action, and here are five little things that contribute to a mentally healthy workplace: Working In A Mentally Healthy Workplace

Other helpful resources:

Ability to detach
Mental illness and the workplace
Managing your mental health and disclosure at work
Workplace mental health

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