Clergy / Celebrant
It is the Funeral Director’s predominant role to make all the relevant arrangements prior to conducting the funeral on the day.
The Funeral Director works with the clergy or celebrant to ensure that any special requests (e.g. music, flowers, photos, candles) by the family is available in time for the funeral service. The Funeral Director will discuss with family members whether an audio-visual presentation is an option & arrange for collection of photos or music to be used.
The clergy or celebrant is ultimately responsible for what happens in the funeral ceremony itself.
This usually involves working with family members to plan:
- The format of the funeral service.
- Deciding who will deliver the eulogy-family members or a close personal friend.
- The selection of music, reading or poetry for the service.
- The use of other symbols such as candles, flowers and photos as required.
- Discuss whether an order of service is required.